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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Pippi Longstocking
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Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
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Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
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Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
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Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
  • 17.09.01
    - Pippi Longstocking
    Of course Tommy and Annika went to school.
    당연하게도 토미와 애니카는 학교에갔다.

    Each morning at eight o'clock they trotted off, hand in hand, swinging their schoolbags.
    매일 아침 8시 그들은 종종걸음으로 손을 잡고 그들의 가방을 휘둘렀다

    At that time Pippi was usually grooming her horse or dressing Mr. Nilsson in his little suit.
    그때 삐삐는 보통 그녀의 말의 털을 정리해주거나 닐슨씨에게 그의 작은 수트를 입혀주었다

    Or else she was taking her morning exercises, which meant turning forty-three somersaults in a row.
    또, 그녀는 연속으로 43번 공중제비를 하는 그녀의 아침 운동을 했다

    Then she would sit down on the kitchen table and, utterly happy, drink a large cup of coffee and eat a piece of bread and cheese.
    그런후 그녀는 큰 컵에 담긴 커피를 마시고 치즈를 곁들인 빵을 먹으며 아주 행복하게 부엌 식탁에 앉는다

    Tommy and Annika always looked longingly toward Villa Villekulla as they started off to school.
    토미와 애니카는 그들이 학교로 가려고 할 때 항상 빌라빌레쿨라를 간절하게 쳐다보았다

    They would much rather have gone to play with Pippi.
    그들은 삐삐와 놀러가는것을 꽤 많이 원했다.
  • 17.09.04
    - Pippi Longstocking
    If only Pippi had been going to school too; that would have been something else again.
    만약 삐삐만이 학교에 가야만 했다면 그랬다면 또 다른 어떤 일이 일어났을것이다

    "Just think what fun we could have on the way home from school" said Tommy.
    "그냥 우리가 학교에서 집으로 오는 길에 우리가 할 수 있는 재미있는 것을 생각해봐" 토미가 말했다

    "yes, and on the way to school too" said Annika
    "그래 그리고 학교로 가는 길에도 그러자" 애니카가 말했다

    The more they thought about it the worse they felt to think that Pippi did not go to school, and at last they determined to try to persuade her to begin.
    그들은 그것에 대해 더 생각했다 삐삐가 학교에 안 온것에대해 안좋다고 생각했다 그리고 결국 그들은 그녀를 학교에 다니게하려고 설득할것을 결심했다

    "You can't imagine what a nice teacher we have" said Tommy artfully to Pippi one afternoon when he and Annika had come for a visit at Villa Villekulla after they had finished their homework.
    어느날 오후 그와 애니카가 그들의 숙제를 끝마친 후 빌라빌레쿨라를 방문했을 때 “너는 우리가 얼마나 좋은 선생님이 있는지 모를걸” 토미가 -하게 삐삐에게 말했다

    "If you only knew what fun it is in school!" Annika added.
    “만약 네가 학교가 얼마나 재미있는지 알게된다면!”애니카가 덧붙여 말했다.

    "I'd die if I couldn't go to school"
    “학교에 갈 수 없다면 난 죽을거야”
  • 17.09.06
    - Pippi Longstocking
    Pippi sat on a hassock, bathing her feet in a tub.
    삐삐는 무릎 방석위에 앉았다,욕조에 발을 담그고 있었다

    She said nothing but just iggled her toes for a while so that the water splashed around everywhere.
    그녀는 단지 여기저기 주변에 물을 튀기려고 그녀의 발가락들을 튕기며 아무말도 하지않았다.

    "You don't have to stay so very long" continued Tommy.
    “너는 너무 오래 머무를 필요는 없어” 토미가 계속해서 말했다

    "Just until two o'clock"
    “딱 2시까지만”

    "Yes, and besides, we get Christmas vacation and Easter vacation and summer vacation" siad Annika.
    “그래 게다가 크리스마스 방학, 부활절방학 그리고 여름방학도있어” 애니카가 말했다

    Pippi bit her big toe thoughtfully but still said nothing.
    삐삐는 그녀의 큰 발가락을 신중히 찼다 하지만 여전히 아무말도 하지 않는다

    Suddenly, as if she had made some decidion, she poured all the water out on the kitchen floor, so that Mr. Nilsson who sat near her playing with a mirror, got his pants absolutely soaked.
    갑자기 그녀는 결정을 내렸다 그녀는 그녀 근처에서 거울을 가지고 놀고있던 닐슨씨의 바지가 완전히 젖도록 부엌 바닥에 물을 부었다
  • 17.09.08
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "It's not fair!" said Pippi sternly without paying and attention to Mr. Nilsson's puzzled air about his wet pants.
    "공평하지 않아!“ 삐삐가 그의 젖은 바지에 대해 얼떨떨해하는 닐슨씨에게 주의를 기울이지 않고 준엄하게 말했다

    "It is absolutely unfair!"
    “그건 확실히 불공평해!”

    "I don't intend to stand it!"
    “난 참을 수 없어!"

    "What's the matter now?" asked Tommy.
    “이젠 뭐가 문제야?” 토미가 물었다

    "In four months it will be Christmas, and then you'll have Christmas vacation."
    “ 4달 내로 크리스마스가 있어 그러면 우리는 크리스마스 방학을 가질 수 있어”

    "But I, what'll I get?" Pippi's voice sounded sad.
    “하지만 난 뭘 얻는데?” 삐삐의 목소리는 슬프게들렸다

    "No Christmas vacation, not even the tiniest bit of a Christmas vacation" she complained.
    “크리스마스 방학도 없고 심지어 크리스마스 방학의 아주 조금도 없어" 그녀는 불평했다.
  • 17.09.11
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "Something will have to be done about that"
    “뭔가가 그것에 대해 끝내야만 할 거야”

    "Tomorrow morning I'll begin school"
    “내일 아침에 나 학교갈꺼야”

    Tommy and Annika clapped their hands with delight.
    토미와 애니카는 가볍게 박수를 쳤다


    "We'll wait for you outside our gate at eight o'clock"
    “우리가 8시에 우리집 문밖에서 널 기다릴게”

    "Oh, no" said Pippi.
    “오 안돼” 삐삐가 말했다

    "I can't begin as early as that"
    “난 그렇게 일찍 일어날 수 없어”
  • 17.09.13
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "And besides, I'm going to ride to school"
    “그리고 게다가, 나는 학교에 말타고 갈거야”

    And rise she did.
    그녀는 일어났다.

    Exactly at ten o'clock the next day she lifted her horse off the porch, and a little later all the people in the town ran to their windows to see what horse it was that was running away.
    정확히 다음날 10시에 그녀는 그녀의 말을 베란다에서 내려놓았고 잠시 후 그 마을에 있는 모든 사람들이 뛰어다니고 있는 말을 보기위해 그들의 집 창문으로 달려나왔다

    That is to say, they thought he was running away, but it was only Pippi in a bit of a hurry to get to school.
    즉슨, 그들은 그가 뛰어다니고 있다고 생각했다 하지만 그것은 삐삐가 학교에 가기위해 조금 서두르는 것뿐이었다

    She galloped widly into the schoolyard, junmped off the horse, tied him to a tree, and burst into the schoolroom with such a noise and a clatter that Tommy and Annika and all their classmates jumped in their seats.
    그녀는 말을 타고 학교 운동장으로 뛰어들어갔다 말에서 점프해서내렸고 그를 한 나무에 묶었다 그리고 소음을 내며 반에 불쑥 들어갔다 그리고 달카닥하며 토마와 애니카 긜고 그들의 모든 학급친구들은 점프해서 그글으 자리에 앉았다

    "Hi, there" cried Pippi, waving her big hat.
    그녀의 모자를 흔들며 "안녕" 삐삐가 소리쳤다,

    "Did I get here in time for pluttifikation?"
    "내가 pluttifikation 을 위해 여길 제때 온거야?"
  • 17.09.15
    - Pippi Longstocking
    Tommy and Annika had told their teacher that a new girl named Pippi Longstocking was coming, and the teacher had already heard about Pippi in the little town.
    토미와 애니카는 그들의 선생님께 삐삐 롱스타킹이라는 이름을 가진 새로운 여학생이 온다고 말했다 그리고 그 선생님은 그 작은 마을에 사는 삐삐에 대해 이미 들은적이 있었다.

    As she was a very pleasant teacher, she had decided to do all she could to make Pippi happy in school.
    그녀는 매우 유쾌한 선생님이었기에 그녀는 학교에서 삐삐를 행복하게 만들수있는 모든일을 할거라고 다짐했다.

    Pippi threw herself down on a vacant bench without having been invited to do so, but the teacher paid no attention to her heedless way.

    She simply said in a very friendly voice, "Welcome to school, little Pippi"
    그녀는 매우 다정한 목소리로 간단히 "학교에 온 걸 환영해 삐삐야"

    "I hope that you will enjoy yourself here and learn a great deal"
    "난 네가 여기서 잘 즐기고 많은 것을 얻어갔으면 해 "

    "Yes, and I hope I'll get some Christmas vacation" said Pippi.
    "네 그리고 저는 크리스마스 방학을 하는걸원해요" 삐삐가 말했다"

    "That is the reason I've come"
    "그게 제가 온 이유에요"
  • 17.09.18
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "It's only fair, you know"

    "If you would first tell me your whole name" said the teacher.
    "만약 네가 너의 전체이름을 나에게 알려준다면" 선생님이 말했다

    "Then I'll register you in school"
    "그러면 내가 학교에 등록할게"

    "My name is Pippilotta Delicatssa Windowshade Mackrelmint Efraim's Daughter Longstocking, daughter of Captain Efraim Longstocking formerly the the terror of the Sea, now a cannibal king."
    "제 이름은 Pippilotta Delicatssa Windowshade Mackrelmint Efraim의 딸 롱스타킹,예전엔 바다의 두려움 지금은 식인종의 왕인 Captain Efraim Longstocking 의 딸이에요

    "Pippi is really only a nickname, because Papa thought that Pippilotta was too long to say."
    "삐삐는 정말 하나밖에 없는 이름이에요 왜냐하면 아빠인 Pippilotta는 말하기에 너무 길어요"

    "indeed?" said the teacher.
    "진짜로?" 선생님이 말했다.

    "Well, then we shall call you Pippi too.
    자, 그러면 우리도 너를 삐삐라고 부를게"
  • 17.09.20
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "But now," she continued, "suppose we test you a little and see what you know"
    "하지만 이제" 그녀는 계속했다 "우리는 너를 조금 테스트하고 네가 뭘 아는지 볼거야"

    "You are a big girl and no doubt know a great deal already."
    "넌 다컸고 이미 많은 것들을 알고있을거야"

    "Let us begin with arithmetic"
    "산수부터 시작해보자"

    "Pippi, can you tell me what seven and five are?"
    "삐삐야, 7더하기 5가 뭐지? (나에게 7더하지5가 뭔지 말해줄 수 있겠니?)"

    Pippi, astonished and dismayed, looked at her and said, "Well, if you don't know that yourself, you needn't think I'm going to tell you"
    삐삐는 깜짝놀랐고 경악했고 그녀를 보며 말했다 "음, 만역 선생님께서 그것을 모르신다면 제가 선생님께 말해야 할 필요는 없어요"

    All the children started in horror at PIppi, and the teacher explained that one couldn't answer that way in shool.
    모든 아이들은 삐삐를 보고 오싹했다 그리고 그 선생님은 학교에서 그런 식으로 대답할 수 없는 것을 설명했다

    "I beg you pardon" said Pippi contritely.
    "다시한번 말씀 해 주시겠어요?" 삐삐가 잘못을 뉘우치는듯 말했다.
  • 17.09.22
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "I didn't know that"

    "I won't do it again"
    "전 다시 하기 싫어요"

    "No, let us hope not" said the teacher.
    "그러지 않기를 바라자" 그 선생님이 말했다.

    "And now I will tell you that seven and five are twelve"
    "그럼 이제 내가7더하기 5가 12란것을 말해줄게"

    "See that!" said Pippi.
    "거봐!" 삐삐가 말했다

    "You knew it yourself"
    "알고 계시네요!"

    "Why are you asking then?"
    "그러면 왜 물어보셨어요?"
  • 17.09.25
    - Pippi Longstocking
    The teacher decided to act as if nothing unusual were happening and went on with her exanimation.
    그 선생님은

    "Well now, Pippi, how much do you think eight and four are?"
    "그럼 이젠 삐삐, 8더하기4가 얼마라고 생각하니?"

    "Oh, about sixty-seven," hazarded Pippi.
    "오 약 67정도?.."삐삐가 예상했다

    "Of course not" said the teacher.
    "당연히 아니야" 선생님이 말했다

    "Eight and four are twelve"
    "8더하기 4는 12야"

    'Well now, really, my dear litte woman" said Pippi.

    "that is carrying things too far"
  • 17.09.27
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "You just said that seven and five are twelve"
    "방근 7더하기 5가 12라고 말씀하셨잖아요"

    "There should be some rhyme and reason to things even in school"

    "Furthermore, if you are so childishly interested in that foolishness, why don't you sit down in a corner by yourself and do arithmetic and leave us alone so we canply tag?"

    The teacher decided ther was no point in trying to teach Pippi nd more arithmetic.

    She began to ask the other children the arithmetic questions.

    "Can Tommy answer this one?" she asked.

    "If Lisa has seven apples and Axel has nine apples. how many apples do they have together?"
  • 17.09.29
    - Pippi Longstocking
    "Yes, you tell, Tommy " Pippi interrupted

    "And tell me too, if Lisa gets a stomach-ache and Axel gets more stomach-ache, whose fault is it and where did they get hold of the apples in the first place?"

    The teacher tried to pretend that she hadn't heard and turned to Annika.

    "Now, Annika, here's an example for you: Gustav was with his schoolmates on a picnic"

    "He had a quarter when he started out and seven cents when he got home."

    "How muche did he spend?"

    "Yes, indeed," said Pippi.