앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Sleeping Beauty
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Sleeping Beauty
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  • 17.09.01
    - Sleeping Beauty
    As Florien's sword touched a branch, something magical happened.

    Each sharp thorn became a sweet-smelling rose.

    A path cleared before him.

    He followed its twists and turret and climbed to where Sleeping Beauty lay.

    Florien's heart fluttered like a bird when he saw her.

    She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

    Taking her hand, he kissed her soft lips.
  • 17.09.04
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Her eyes flickered open and Rose found herself face with the prince of her dreams.

    "You're rhe prince I drew!" she cried.

    He bowed.

    "Prince Florien here to rescue you," he announced and scooped her up.