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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
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Sleeping Beauty
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  • 17.07.03
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Blossom and Buttercup wished that Rose would... 

    Everyone wondered what Jasmine, the seventh and wisest fairy, would wish for. 
    모두들 재스민은 궁금했다,

    As Jasmine hovered over the cradle, a blast of icy air swept through the Great Hall. 

    Then a chilling voice rang out of nowhere. 

    "Haven't you forgotten someone?" 

    Suddenl, the mean fairy Nightshade appeared in a whirlwind of foul green smoke. 

    "How DARE you not invite me?" she roared. 

    "w- we didn't mean to, Nightshade," the king stammered. 

    "We just..." "...forgot you," finished the queen meekly.
  • 17.07.05
    - Sleeping Beauty
    "FORGOT ME?" Nighrshade screamed, so fiercely the flames in the fireplace went out. 

    "well, you won't forget this!" 

    She flicked her cloak and morched up to the cradle. 

    "Now, my pretty," she purred, lifting a golden curl with a bony finger, "what shall I wish for you?" 

    Everyone in the palace held the palace held their breath.

    Silent tears ran down the queen's face.

    Nightshade leaned, "On your sixteenth birthday, you will prick your finger on a spinning wheel and... DIE!"
  • 17.07.07
    - Sleeping Beauty
    "No!" cried the queen.

    But Nightshade cackled gleefully and disappeared with a deafening bang.

    "I still have my wish," said Jasmine softly.

    "I can't undo that wicked spell, but I can try to change it."

    "You will prick your finger, little Rose," Jasmine began, "but you won't die.

    You and everyone else in the castle will fall into a deep sleep."

    "Burn every spinning wheel in the land at once!" bellowed the king.
  • 17.07.10
    - Sleeping Beauty
    "Rose must never ever see one!"

    The night, the flames from a massive bonfire could be seen for miles.

    They liked the dark sky like serpents' tongues.

    The years passed and Rose grew into a delightful girl.

    Everyone she met adored her.

    She danced, sang and played music as wonderfully as the fairies had wished.

    She was clever and played to win.
  • 17.07.12
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Rose loved playing hide-and-seek in the castle gardens.

    And, secretly, she liked to sketch the prince of her dreams.

    Time went happily by and Rose's sixteenth birthday drew near.

    The castle began to buzz with excitement.

    The king and queen were planning a huge ball.

    Rose was so excited, she could hardly keen still.

    The night of the ball finally arrived.
  • 17.07.14
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Handsome princes and pretty princesses flooded into the Great Hall.

    The king and queen smiled proudly as they watched Rose from their thrones.

    She swirled and twirled in a dazzling ball gown and every prince fell in love with her.

    when the feasting was nearly over, Rose pleaded for a game.

    "Hide-and-seek!" she shouted and dashed off into the castle.

    She raced up twisting stairs... down a long, corridor... through a tiny door...... and found herself at the staircase of a tower she had never seen before.

    Soft singing floated down the turret stairs.
  • 17.07.17
    - Sleeping Beauty
    In a trance, Rose followed the music.

    At the top of the stairs, she found a heavy iron door.

    Inside, an old woman sat hunched over a spinning wheel.

    "Come and see, my pretty," she said, beckoning Rose with a bony finger.

    "I'm spinning, my dear," croaked the old woman.

    "It's amazing," said Rose, touching the silky thread.

    "May I try?"
  • 17.07.19
    - Sleeping Beauty
    "Of course," said the old woman, taking her hand.

    At once, Rose snapped out of the trance.

    "Ow!" she cried, as she pricked her finger.

    Rose fell to the floor.

    The old woman cackled, then disappeared in a whirlwind of foul green smoke.

    In the same instant, everyone in the castle fell asleep.

    The king nodded off over his pudding...... and the court jester froze mid-leap.
  • 17.07.21
    - Sleeping Beauty
    All the clocks stopped.

    The place was silent and still... except for the rose bushes.

    They spread like ivy, covering everything in their path.

    They grew so quickly that,soon,the entire castle was covered in thick roots and sharp thorns.

    For one hundred years the castle stayed hidden.

    Only the tops of the towers showed through the bushes.

    Passers- by stopped to stare at the forgotten castle.
  • 17.07.24
    - Sleeping Beauty
    Princes from far and wide heard about the spell.

    They came in their hundreds to try to rescue the princess known as Sleeping Beauty.

    But the thorns cut their skin and the roots wrapped around their legs like snakes.

    One by one, they gave up.

    One day, a brave prince named Florien rode by.

    He had dreamed of Sleeping Beauty and was determined to find her.

    He pulled out his sword with a flourish and began to tackle the spiky bushes.