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2016년 2017년 2018년
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The Phantom of the Opera(chapter 20)
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The Phantom of the Opera(chapter 20)
The Phantom of the Opera(chapter 20)
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  • 17.12.01
    - The Phantom of the Opera(chapter 20)
    I have never seen anything like this head of fire before.

    Perhaps he has sent it to capture us!

    We must run!"

    They fled down a long passage that was open before them.

    The flaming face came after them.

    No matter how far or fast they ran, it was always right behind.

    They looked back.
  • 17.12.04
    - The Phantom of the Opera(chapter 20)
    Now, they could see the face clearly.

    The eyes were round and staring.

    The nose was a little crooked.

    The mouth was large with a hanging lower lip.

    It looked like a bright, red moon.

    How did it manage to glide through the darkness with nothing to support it?

    Still the thing approached.
  • 17.12.06
    - The Phantom of the Opera(chapter 20)
    They heard a horrible scraping noise, like that of a thousand nails against a chalkboard.

    Raoul and the Foreign Stranger could run no farther.

    The flaming head was almost upon them.
  • 17.12.25
    - 성탄절