일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
The swan princess
The swan princess
The swan princess
- 17.03.01
- 삼일절
- 17.03.01
- Arabian Nights
- It is said that long ago there lived two great kings, brothers named Shahryar and Shahzaman.
먼 옛날에 위대한 왕이 살았는데 형제들 이름이 Shahryar 과 Shahzaman이다.
Shahryar was older, and his power reached the farthest parts of the earth.
shahryar은 나이가 많았고, 그의 힘이 지구 일부분까지 도달할 정도였다.
Shahryar felt a desire to see his brother and asked his vizier,who was the king's chief min- ister, to go bring his brother to him.
그의 형제가 보고싶다고 느꼈다. 그리고 고관에게 부탁했다. 누가/ 있었다/ 왕의 우두머리인/ min- ister가/ 데릴러갔다/ 그의 형이/그를
When Shahzaman arrived, his brother hugged him.
언제/ Shahzaman이 / 도착했을때/ 그의 형제가 / 껴안았다/ 그를
The two brothers spent the whole day at each other's side, and Shahryar couldn't help notice that his brother looked pale and ill.
그 두명의 형제는/ 보냈다/ 하루종일/각각 다른쪽에/그리고/ shahryar은 / 도와 줄수없었다/아픈 형제를
- 17.03.03
- Arabian Nights
- The days passed, and Shahzaman continued wasting
세월이/ 흘렀다/ 그리고/ Shahzaman은 / 계속했다/낭비하는 것을
Shahryar thought his brother was homesick, but it turned out to be something much worse.
Shahryar은/생각했다/ 그의 형제를 / 집을 그리워하며/ 그러나/ 그것은 더 나쁜것으로 밝혀졌다.
After ten days, Shahzaman broke down and told his brother what lay at the root of his sorrows.
10일 후/ Shahzaman은 / 깼다/ 그리고 /말했다/그의 형제에게/ 뿌리를 두고/ 그는 슬퍼하면서
His wife, the queen, had left him, and he was heartbroken.
그의 아내와 왕비는/그를 떠났다/ 그리고 /그는 상처를 받았다
He told Shahryar the story of how he had been betraed, and the great king could not believe his ears.
그는 /말했다/ Shahryar에게/ 이야기를/ 어떻게/그는/ 배신할수있냐고/ 그리고/ 위대한 왕은 /무엇을 해야되냐고/ 그가 귓속말로
After hearing his brother's tale, Shahryar became enraged, so enraged that he lost his senses.
오후/ 들리다/ 그의 형제들의 이야기가/ shahryar은/ 격분했다/ 그는/ 잃었다/ 그의 감각을
He decided that no woman could ever be trusted and planned something terrible.
그는 / 결정했다/ 그 /여자는/ 할수있을것 같다/ 신뢰했다/ 그리고/계획했다/뭔가/ 형편이 없었다
The king summoned his vizier amd told him to find him a wife.
그 왕은/ 경고했다/ 그의 고관에게/그리고 /말했다/그에게/ 그의 아내를 우연히 만났다고
He intended to wed her for a single day and then kill her.
He would continue to do this untill all the women in his kingdom were gone.
그는/ 계속 될것이다/ ~을 할때까지/ 여자가/그의 왕국으로/올때까지
Now, the vizier had an older daughter called Scheherazade and a younger one called Dinarzad.
지금/ 고관은 /데리고 왔다/ 여자를/ 불렀다/ scheherzade가/ 그리고/ (?)
- 17.03.06
- Arabian Nights
- The older daughter had read many books and was well educated.
나이 많은 daughter은 /가지고 있다/많은 책을/그리고 / 가르칠것이다
When she heard of the king's evil plan, she said to her father, "I would like you to marry me to king Shahryar, so that I may either save our people or die like all the rest."
언제/그녀는/ 들었다/ 왕에게/나쁜 계획을/ 그녀는 /말했다/그의 아빠에게/ 나는 왕 shahryar과 결혼할것이라고/ (?)
When the vizier heard what his daughter said, he was very angry amd forbid her to marry the king.
언제/ 고관은 /들었다/ 그의 daughter이 말하는 것을/ 그는 / 매우 화가 났다/그리고 /금지했다/왕과 결혼하는 것을
The two argued for a long time, but Scheherazade would not change her mind.
긴 시간동안 두번째 논의를 했다/ 그러나/ scheherazade은/그녀의마음은 변하지 않았다
So sent his daughter to be to the king, saying, " May God not take you from me."
그의 daughter을 보냈다/ 왕이/ 말했다/ (?)
Scheherazade was very happy and, after preparing herself and packing what she needed, went to her younger sister Dinarzad.
Scheherazade은 / 매우 행복했다/그리고/
"Sister, if you are not sleepy, tell a story.'
This will cause the king to let me go amd will save the people of the kingdom.
- 17.03.08
- Arabian Nights
- You must trust this plan."
너 이번계획 기대해야한다
Dinarzad replied, "Very well"
Dinarzad는 /대답했다/ "좋네요"
That night, the vizier took Scheherazade to the great king Shahryar, and she was wed to him.
그 밤/ 고관은/ 데리고 가다/ scheherazade를 / 위대한 왕 shahryar에게/ 그리고/ 그녀는/ 혼인하다/그와
But when Shahryar went to bed that night, Scheherazade wept.
그러나/ 언제/ shahryar은 /갔다/침대로/ 밤에/scheherazade는/눈물을 흘렸다
The king asked her why she was crying, and she replied, " I have a sister, and I wish to bid her good- bye.
왕은/ 질문했다/ 그녀에게/ 왜/ 그녀는/ 울었는지/ 그리고/ 그녀는 /대답했다/"나는 / 여동생을 가지고있어요/그리고 /나는/여동생과 작별했어요
Then the king sent for the sister, who arrived and sat at the foot of the bed.
그때/ 왕은/ 여동생을 보냈다/ 누가 도착했다/그리고 /앉잤다/침대위에 발을 올리고
Dinarzad said, "Sister, if you are not sleepy, tell us one of your lovely little tales to pass the night, for I am afraid to be without you."
Dinarad는 말했다/
Scheherazade turned to king Shahryar and said, "May I have permission to tell a story?"
Scheherazade는/돌았다/ 왕 shahryar으로/그리고 말했다/나에게 이야기를 들려줄수있어요?
He replied, "Yes," and Scheherazade was very happy.
그는/대답했다/"네" 그리고 /Scheherazade는 /매우 행복했다
"Listen," she said.
"들어봐" 그녀는/ 말했다
- 17.03.10
- Arabian Nights
- It is said, O wise and happy king, that there once was a rich merchant who planned a visit to another country.
말했다/ 지혜롭고 행복한 왕이여, (?)
He filled his bags with bread and dates and mounted his horse.
그는/ 채웠다/ 그의 가방을/ 빵과 대추와 함께/그의 말을 타고
For many nights, he traveled under God's care untill he reached his destination.
수 많은 밤을 위해/ 그는/ 여행했다/ 하느님의 보살핌까지 이르어/ 그의 목적지까지
When his visit was finished, he turned for home.
언제/그의 방문을 끝내고/그는 /집으로 돌아섰다
He traveled for three days, and on the fourth day he found an orchard and went in to shade himself
from the sun.
그는/여행했다/3일 동안/그리고 4일동안/ 그는/찾았다/과수원을/그리고/ 갔다/그늘을/직접
- 17.03.13
- Arabian Nights
- He sat by a stream under a walnut tree, pulled out some loaves of bread and a handful of dates, and began to eat, throwing the date pits right and left until he'd had enough.
그는/ 앉잤다/ 개울 옆에있는/ 호두나무 아래에서/ 땄다/ 밖에서/ 일부분의 빵한덩어리와/그리고/ 움큼진 대추를/ 시작했다/먹는것을/던지다/대추를/ 구덩이/ 온 천지에
Then he got up and said his prayers.
그때/그는/ 일어났다/ 그리고/ 말했다/ 그에게/ 기도를
He had hardly finised when he saw an old demon before him with a sword in his hand, standing with his feet on the ground and his head in the clouds.
그는/끝나지 않았다/언제/ 그는/ 봤다/ 늙은 악마를/ 전에/ 그와 함께/ (?)
The demon screamed, "Get up, so that I may kill you with this sword, just as you have killedmy son."
그 악마는/소리를 질렀다/" 일어나, 너가 나의 아들을 죽인것처럼 이 칼로 너와 함께 나는 죽을지도 몰라"
The merchant was scared.
merchant는 깜짝 놀랐다
He said, " By God, I did not kill your son.
그는/ 말했다/ "하느님 저는 당신의 아들을 죽이지 않았습니다."
How could that have been?"
어떻게 그럴수있니?"
The demon said, "Did't you sit down, take out some dates from your bag, and eat, throwing the pits about you?"
악마가 말했다/
The merchant replied," Yes, I did."
merchant가 대답했다/ 네, 그렇게 하겠습니다"
The demon said, " As you were throwing the pits, my songappned to be walking by and was struck and killed by one of them, and I must now kill you."
악마가 말했다/
- 17.03.15
- Arabian Nights
- The merchant said, "O my lord, please don't kill me."
merchant가 말했다/ " 오 주여, 나를 죽이지 마시옵서서"
The demon replied, "By God, I must kill you, as you killed my son."
악마가 대답했다/ 당신이 나의 아들을 죽인것처럼 나는 당신을 죽여야해요"
The merchant said, "If I killed him, I did it by mistake.
merchant는 말했다/ "내가 그를 죽인다면 나는 실수로 그랬다고 그랬을것이라고
Please forgive me."
The demon replied, " I must kill you," and he seized the merchant and threw him to the ground.
악마는 대답했다/ "나는 너를 죽여야한다"/ 그리고 /그는 merchant를 붙잡아 땅으로 던졌다.
The merchant began to weep for his wife and children.
merchant는/시작했다/ 그의 아내와 아이들은 울었다.
The demon raised his sword while the merchant was drenched in tears, saying, "There is no power or strength, save in God theMighty."
But morning drew near at this point in the story, and Scheherazade fell silent, leaving king Shahryar burning to hear the rest of the tale.
그러나/ 아침에/ 그렸다/ 거의/ 이야기 의미를/그리고 scheherazde은/(?)
Then Dinarzad said to her sister, "What a strange and lovely story!" Scheherazade replied, "This is noting compared with what I will tell you tomorrow night, if the king spares me and lets me live.
그때/ Dinarzad는/ 말했다/ 그녀의 여동생에게/ " 이상하고 사랑스러운 이야기!"Scheherazade가 대답했다/ " 왕이 나를 구해주고 나를 살려주면 내일 밤에 당신에게 말할것이다."
It will be even bet- ter and more entertaining."
더욱 더 즐겁고 재미있을 것이다
The king thought," I will spare her untill I hear the rest of the story.
왕은 생각했다/ "나는 나머지 이야기를 들을 때까지 그녀를 살릴것이다"
Then I will have her put to death the next day."
그 다음날 나는 그녀를 위해 죽음을 처할것이다."
- 17.03.17
- Arabian Nights
- King Shahryar worked all the next day and returned home at night to Scheherazade.
왕 Shahryar은 /일했다/ 다음날에/ 그리고 / 집으로 돌아갔다/ 밤에/ scheherazade은
Then Dinarzad said to her sister, "Please, sister, if you are not sleepy, tell us one of your lovely little stories."
그때 Dinarzad는 말했다/ 그녀의 여동생에게/ "제발
"The king added, " Let it be the end of the story of the demon and the merchant."
그 왕은 덧 붙였다/ " 악마랑 merchant의 이야기가 끝이되게 하십시오.
Scheherazade replied, " With the greatest pleasure, happy king."
scheherazade는 대답했다" /(?)
It is said, O wise and happy king, that when the demon raised his sword, the merchant begged the demon "Please let me say good- bye to my family, and my wife and children, before you kill me."
말했다, 지혜롭고 행복한 왕이시여,악마가 칼을 들었을때 merchant가 악마에게 " 나를 죽이기 전에 우리가족과 부인과 아이들에게 하면 안돼냐고" 간절히 원했다
The demon asked, " Do you swear to God that if I let you go, you will come back one year from this day?"
악마는 물었다"
The merchant replied, "Yes,I swear to God."
상인은 대답했다 " 네 저는 하나님을 믿어요"
After the merchant swore this, the demon let him go, and he mounted his horse amd went on his way.
상인이 맹세한 후에 악마는 그를 내버려 두었고 그는 그에게 말을 걸었다
He finally reached his home and came to his wife and children.
그는 마침내 그의 집에 도착하여 그의 아내와 아이들이 왔었다
When he saw them, he wept bitterly.
그가 그들을 보았을때 그는 서럽게 울었다
- 17.03.20
- Arabian Nights
- His wife asked him, " Husband, what is the matter with you?
그의 아내가 물었다/그에게/ "남편, 너와 무슨일인데?"
Why are you sad when we are happy, celebrating your return?"
왜/ 너는/ 슬퍼했냐/ 우리가 축하했을때/(?)
He replied, "Why not be sad when I have only one year to live?"
그는 대답했다/ "내가 살기1년 밖에 안남았는데 왜 슬프지 않겠습니까?"
Then he told her everything that had hap-pened with the demon.
그런 다음 그는 악마와 마주쳤던 모든것을 그녀에게 말했다.
When his family heard what he said, they began to cry.
언제/ 그의 가족은/ 들었다/ 그는 말했다/ 그들이 울었다.
It was a day of sadness as all the chil-dren gathered around their hather.
어느날/ 슬픔에/모든 아이들이/ 눈살을 찌푸렸다/ 사방에서
The merchant spent the rest of the year this way.
merchant는/ 보냈다/ 남은 년동안/ 이리로
Then he said his praers and bid his family good-bye.
그때/ 그는/ 말했다/ 그의
His sons hung around his neck, his daughters wept, and his wife wailed.
He said to them, " Children, this is God's will."
He turned away, got on this horse, and traveled until he reached the orchard.
He sat at the place where he had eaten the dates, waiting with tearful eyes for the demon.
As he waited, an old man, leading two dogs on a leash, approached and greeted him, and he returned the greeting.
The old man asked, " Friend, why do you sit here in this place full of demons and devils? For in this haunted orchard, there is only sorrow."
- 17.03.22
- Arabian Nights
- The merchant told him everything that had happened with the demon.
Merchant은/말했다/그에게/ 매일/ 악마와 우연히 만났다
The old man was amazed at the tale and said, "Your promise to return here is a brave one.
늙은 남자가/ 놀랐다/ 이야기와 그리고 말했다" 용감하게 다시 여기에 돌아오기로 약속하자"
By God, I will not leave you until I see what happens with the demon."
하느님, 나는 /떠나지 않을 것입니다/ 너가 나를 보았을때 악마와 함께 있더라도
Then he sat down beside him and they chatted.
그는/ 앉잤다/ 그 옆에/ 그리고/그들은/수다를 떨었다
But morning drew near Scheherazade, and she fell silent.
그러나 아침에/그렸다/ scheherazade를(?)/ 그리고 그녀는 (?)
As the day dawned, Dinarzad said to her sister, " What a strange and lovely story!"
그 날이 계속 되면서/ 새벽에/ Dinarzad가 말했다./ 그녀의 여동생에게/ 어색하고 사랑스러운 이야기!"
Scheherazade repled, "Tomorrow night, I will tell you something even better and more entertaining."
Scheherazade는 대답했다/ " 내일 밤, 나는
The next night, Dinarzad said to her sister, " Please sister, if you are not sleepy, tell us one of your lovely little stories."
다음 날 밤, Dinarzad는 /말했다/ 그녀의 여동생에게/ 제발 잠이 안오면 어색하지만 사랑스러운 얘기를 해줄수 있니?"
The king added, " Let it be the end of the merchant's story, for I would like to hear it."
왕은 덧붙였다/(?)
Scheherazade replied, "As you wish."
- 17.03.24
- Arabian Nights
- I heard, O happy king, that as the merchant and the man with the two black dogs sat talking, they suddenly saw the dust rise, and when it cleared they saw the demon approaching witha steel sword in his hand.
나는 행복한 왕이여, merchant랑 흑인 개가 앉자 있는 남자가 말하면서 갑자기 먼지가 솟아오르는 것을 보았다. 그 소리가 들리자 악마가 칼을 들고 접근있는것을 보았다
He stood before them without greeting and said to the merchant, Get ready to die."
그는 그들 앞에 서서 죽을 준비를 했다
The merchant and the old man began to weep.
merchant와 늙은 남자는 /시작했다/ 눈물 흘리는것을
The old man with the black dogs approached the demon, and said, " If I tell you what happened to me and to these two dogs, and if you find it stranger and more amazing than what happened to you and the merchant, will you set him free?"
그 늙은 남자와 흑인개와 함께 악마에게 다가갔다/ 그리고 말했다/ (?)
The demon replied, "I will."
악마가 대답했다," 나는 할거야"
So the old man began to tell his story:
그저 그 늙은 남자는/ 시작했다/ 그의 이야기를
Demon, these two dogs are my brothers.
악마, 이 두명의 개들과 나의 형제야.
When our father died, he left behind three sons and gave us each an equal sum of money.
우리의 아빠가 죽었다, 그는 /떠났다/3명의 아들 과(?)/그리고 / 주었다/ 각각/동일한 돈의 액수
- 17.03.27
- The swan princess
- Far away and long ago, there was a land where the swallows flew to spend the winter.
먼 옛날, 겨울을 보내던 제비가 날아가고 있었다.
The king of that land had eleven sons and one daughter-Eliza.
왕의 땅에는 11명의 아들과 한명의 딸이 있었다.-엘리자
The Queen had died when Eliza was born, but her father and brothers looked after her.
여왕은 엘리자를 낳고 죽었다.그러나 그녀의 아빠와 형제가 그녀를 돌보았다.
Her father was kind and her brothers were handsome and noble...
그녀의 아버지는 친절하고 그녀의 형제들은 잘생기고 고귀했다.,,
...most of the time.
...대부분의 시간(?)
Eliza spent hours playing with them.
엘리자는 그들과 놀면서 시간을 보냈다.
While the princes were at school, Eliza sat and looked at beautiful picture books, or watched swallows swoop past.
왕자들이 학교에 있는 동안, 엘리자는 앉자서 아름다운 그림책을 보았고,또는 제비가 과거를 급습하는 것도 보았다.
She couldn't have been happier.
그녀는 더 행복하지 못했다.
One bitterly cold winter, the king married again.
몹시 추운 겨울 왕은 다시 결혼하였다.
His new wife was tall and elegant, and everyone admired her.
그의 새로운 아내는 키가 크고 우아했고, 모두가 그녀를 존경했다.
But she had a dark secret.
그러나 그녀는 어두운 비밀을 가지고 있었다.
The new Queen was a witch!
새로운 왕비는 마녀였다!
- 17.03.29
- The swan princess
- The king and Queen celebrated their wedding with a feast.
왕과 여왕은 유명한 그들의 혼례와 잔치에 함께했다.
As they sat down to set, there was a croaking under the table and three warty toads hopped out.
그들이 앉자있었을 때 테이블 아래에서 삐걱 거리는 소리가 났고 3 마리의 두꺼비가 뛰어 다녔다.
"These are my pets,"said the Queen.
"여긴 내 애완동물이야"라고 여왕은 말했다.
"My little"My little toadie-woadies."
"나의 어린 toadie-woadies."
Suddenly, there was a loud ping and one of the toads leaped into the air.
갑자기 큰 소리로 펑 소리가 났고 두꺼비 중 하나가 공중에 뛰어 들었습니다.
Prince Jasper peeked from behind a chair with a big grin.
제스퍼 왕자는 이를드러내면서 큰 웃음과 함께 의자 뒤에서 엿보았다.
"Jasper, I've told you not to use your catapult indoors," the King scolded.
"제스퍼, 나는 네가 실내에서 너의 투석기를 사용하지 말라고 말했다"라고 왕은 꾸짖었다.
- 17.03.31
- The swan princess
- Before the King could say any more, the servants brought in an enormous wedding cake.
왕이 더 이상 말하기 전에, 하인들은 거대한 웨딩케이크를 가져왔습니다.
Everyone was given a slice- except Eliza and her brothers.
엘리자와 그녀의 형제들을 제외하고 모두에게 잘라서 주었다.
The Queen passed them bowls full of sand.
여왕은 그들에게 모래가 가득한 그릇을 건네 주었다.
"You can pretend it's cake," she told them.
"이것을 케익인 척 할수있어요" 라고 그녀는 그들에게 말했다.
"I'm not eating that!"retorted prince Julian.
"나는 그것을 먹지 않는다!"라고 줄리안 왕자가 반항했다.
"Julian, behave yourself.
"줄리안, 너 자신을 행동해"
Eat up!" snapped the King, who couldn't see the sand.
"먹어라!" 모래를 볼수없는 왕이 (?)