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  • 17.03.01
    - 삼일절
  • 17.03.01
    It all began when I was a young
    그것은/시작됬다/내가/어렸을 때
    man in school. I wanted to know
    남자가/학교에서/나는/알고 싶었다
    everything about everything. But
    모든 것에 관한 모든 것/그러나
    most of all, I wanted to know about
    무엇보다도/나는/알고 싶어했다
    LIFE. What made things live? What
    made them able to grow and breathe
    성장하고/호흡을/할 수 있게/했다
    and mobe? I wanted to know it. And
    그리고/움직이게?/나는/알고 싶었다/그리고
    I tried bery hard to find out.
    나는/노력했다/열심히/찾기 위해
    It took me almost six years. But
    그것을/거의/6년이 걸렸다/그러나
    then I learned. At last I knew the se-
    그 때/나는/배웠다/마침내/나는/알아 냈다.
    cret of life! I told no one about it. Not
    인생을/나는/아무에게도/그것에/대해 말하지않았다/아니
    my father, or my brothers. Not even
    나의 아버지/또는/내 형제/심지어
    my sweet Elizabeth-the girl I was
    going to marry.
  • 17.03.03
    There was something I had to do
    있었다/어떤 것을/나는/해야만 했다
    first. I wanted to surprise the whole
    먼저/나는/원했다/놀래키는 것을/전
    world. I wanted to make a living
    세계를/나는/원했다/만드는 것을/살아
    creature. A creature who could think
    있는 생물들을/생물은/어떻게/생각을 하고
    and laugh and live! I wanted to do
    그리고/생활을 하는 것을/나는/원했다/
    what God himself had done when he
    하나님과 자신이/일을/하였을때/그가
    created people!
    창조를/한 사람
    I knew how to put life into a
    나는/알았어/인생을 어떻게 사는지
    lifeless thing. But I did not know
    생명이/없는 것/그러나/나는/그렇게 생각을 하지 않았다
    how to make a body. How could I
    put together a body? I went to grave-
    yards. There, I found the bones of
    야드까지/나는 죽은 남자의 시체
    dead men. And I took them home to
    뼈를 발견했다. 그리고 나는 집에 가지고 갔다
    my workroom, From others who had
    내가 일하는 곳에/다른사람들이
    died, I took ears and feet and hands.
    일하는 곳에 내가 가지고 갔다,나는 귀와 발과 손을 잡고
    I did not like this part of it. At
    나는 이 부분을 좋아하지 않았다.
    times it made me sick. And I had to
    시간은 나를 하프게 했다.그리고 저는
    keep away from people. I didn't want
    다른 사람들과 떨어져냐 했습니다.나는 그 사람들이
    them finding out. Not even ny own
    알아내는 것이 싫었습니다.
    family, who lived far away from
    심지어 산에서 나와 멀리 떨어져
    me in the mountains.
    살았던 나 자신의 가족조차도.
  • 17.03.06
    I had to make other parts of the
    나는/만들었다/다른 부분들을/
    creature myself. He was going to be
    나 자신을 부분을/그는/큰 편일 것이다
    big. Eight feet tall! And stronger
    8개 피트 높이!/그리고/더 강한
    than any man or woman on earth.
    보다/어떤 남자와/여자보다 더
    At last the time came. I was ready.
    마침내/그 시간이 왔다/나는/있었다/준비가 되
    It was a cold and gloomy night in
    그것은/이었다/그 감기는/그리고/우울한 날이었다
    November. The room was dark when
    I went in. The creature lay on the
    나는/갔다/그 생물은/누워 있었다
    table. It was a thing of death. But
    soon it would have life! Soon the
    곧/그것은/인생을 살 것입니다/곧
    world would say what a great man I
    세상은/말할 것이다/어떤 것을/위대한 사람을/나는
    was! So I thought. Ha! What a FOOL
    I was! But I did not know it then.
    I lit a candie. Then I set to work.
    나는/켰다/사탕을/그리고나서/나는/일하기 시작했다.
    Many hours passed. The candle
    burned low. It was midnight. The
    구웠다/그것은/자정이였다/그 시간에
    time, they say, when strange things
    그들이 말했다/이상한 일들을
    happen. And so they did. From the
    happen. world do darkness, I now brought
    일어나는 일들로 부터/세상이/어두울때/나는/가졌왔다
    forth life!
    나의 삶을!
  • 17.03.08
    How I did it I shall not tell.
    어떻게/나는/하지 않을 것이다/말을
    I shall NEVER tell! It is enough to say
    나는/절대로 하지 않을 것이다/말을/그것은/충분하다/말하는 것을
    that the creature moved. Its eyelids
    그/생물은/움직였다/그 눈꺼풀은
    opened. And the Thing stared at me.
    I do not know what happened to
    나는/알고 있지 않았다/행복하다는 것을
    me just then. And I do not know
    나는/바로 그때/그리고/나는/알지못했다
    why. It was I who had put those eyes
    왜/그것은/나는/누가/놓았다/그 눈들을
    into its head. It was I who had
    머리에/그것은/누가/어디에 있는지
    thought my creature would be beau-
    생각했다/나의 생물을/할 것이다/
    tiful. But now, when I saw htose eyes!
    아름다운/그러나/지금/그리고나서/나는/봤다/숨막이는 것을/눈들이
    Eyes wet and yellow like drops of
    ooze! When I saw that face! A face
    습지/그리고나서/나는/봤다/저얼굴/그 얼굴은
    like the squirming worms of the
    좋아했다/삐걱거리는 소리를/무덤에서
    grave. And when the Thing sat up! I
    그리고 나서/일이/앉았다/나는
    could not stand to look at it!
    할 수없었다/일어나서/그것을 보는 것을
    And now it was rising and moving
    toward me! I felt the hair lift up on
    나를 향해/나는/펠트/머리를/들어 올렸다
    the back of my neck. I jumped away.
    뒷면을/내 목의/나는/나는/도망 갔다
    I turned. I ran! I rushed into my bed-
    나는/돌렸다/나는/달렸다/나는/돌진했다/나의 침대로
    room and siammed the door. My
    방/그리고/시암에 걸렸다/문에/나의
    heart banged in my chest.
  • 17.03.10
    My fece was covered with sweat.
    나의 얼굴은/덮여있었다/땀으로
    I was weak. I almost fell to the floor.
    But I could not let that happen.
    그러나/나는/할 수없었다/그렇게 하죠
    I had to think.
    THINK! What could I do? What had I
    done! How could I put an end to this
    무엇을 했습니까!/어떻게/내가 할수있을까/이일을
    horrible Thing! But I had no answer.
    끝낼수 있을까!/그러나/나는/대답이 없었다
    For hours, I walked back and forth
    몇시간 동안/나는/걸었다/이리저리
    across the room. I was tired. I had not
    slept in days. I could think no longer.
    않았다/그날에/나는/생각할수 있었다/더이상
    My eyes started to shut. I fell onto
    나의 눈은/시작했다/감기기/나는/떨어졌다
    my bed and I was lost in sleep.
    나의 침대에서/그리고/나는/잃어버렸다/수면에서
    Perhaps I may have slept an hour.
    혹시/나는/많은 잠을 잤다/한시간동안
    I do not know. But then a sound
    나는/모르다/그러나/그리고나서/소리가 났다
    wakened me. I looked up. There was
    나를 깨우는/나는/보았다/위를/그들은
    something standing by my be. It
    뭔가가 있었다/서있는/나를/그것은
    was bending over me. The Monster!
    It was making noises. Baby noises!
    그것은/만들고 있었다/소음을/아기소리!
    There was a smile on its frightening
    그들은/웃음에/미소가 있었다/무서운
    face. A baby smile. It was coming
    얼굴에/그 애기는/웃고있어다/그것은 오고 있었다
    closer with its oozy eyes.
    그것의 눈에 가까워졌다
    I jumped off the other side of the
    나는/뛰어 올랐다/다른 쪽/바깥으로/침대로
    bed. But the door was behind the
    그러나/그 문은/뒤에 있었다
  • 17.03.13
    I would have to get past the
    나는/할 것이다/무서운 일을
    horrid thing to escape. The Monster
    벗어나/도망가기 위해/그 괴물은
    reached out to touch me. As if I were
    내밀었다/만지기 위해/나를/마치/나는/있었다
    its father! I couldn't stand it. My
    그 아버지/나는/못했다/세우는 것을/그것/나의
    jacket was hanging on a hook nearby.
    I pulled it off and threw it in the
    Monster's face. Those awful yellow
    괴물의 얼굴에/그 끔찍한/노란색
    eyes were covered!
    I ran to the door, into the hall,
    나는/달렸다/문으로/그 홀안에
    down the stairs! There was another
    내려갔다/계단으로/그들은/또 하나의
    door. I pushed it open. Then a gate. I
    문으로 갔다/나는/밀었다/그것을/그때/게이트로/나는
    pushed that too. Now I was away
    밀었다/그것도/지금/나는/없어 졌다
    from the house. I kept running and
    집으로 부터/나는/나는/계속/뛰었다/그리고
    running and running. Was it behind
    달렸다/또/달렸다/뒤에 있었니
    me? Was it chasing me? I wouldn't
    나의/그것은/쫒고 있었니/나를/나는/하지 않을 것이다
    look back. I couldn't look back! I
    뒤를보는 것을/나는/하지않을 것이다/뒤를 보는 것을/나는
    couldn't stand the thought of its
    하지않을 것이다/생각을 섰다/그것의
    touching me! Looking at me!
    만지고 있는/나를/보았다/나를
    But I could not keep going on. My
    그러나/나는/하지않을 것이다/계속하는 것을/나의
    eyes rolled in my head. Everything
    눈은/내 머리를 굴렀다/매일
    began to turn upside down in front of me.
    시작됬다/도는 것을/거꾸로/내앞에서
  • 17.03.15
    And suddenly I smashed into
    something. It was my very good
    뭔가를/그것은/내가 아주 좋아하는
    friend, Clerval.
    친구/ Clerval였다
    "My dear Victor," he exclaimed,
    나의/친해하는 빅터/그는/외쳤다
    "What is the matter?"
    그게 뭐야
    "Save me! Oh, save me!" I cried.
    "Save you from what?" he saked.
    "Nothing!" I said, for how could I
    아무것도 없어요/나는/말했다/어떻게/할수 있을까/나는
    tell him about the Monster? About
    그에게 말했다/그 몬스터를/약
    that THING I had made?
    그리고나서/맡은일을/나는/만들 수 있을까
    "But you look so ill. What has
    happened to you? What are you
    afraid of?"
    "Don't ask me. You must not
    묻지 않았다/나에게/너는/안된다
    know! Do you hear me, Clerval?"
    But just then I thought I saw the
    그러나/바로 그때/나는/생각했다/나는/보았다/그
    Thing! There was really nothing
    there. But I must have been out of
    그들은/그러나/나는/틀림 없었다/밖에서/
    my head.
    나의 머리가
  • 17.03.17
    "It's here! It's here!" I shouted,
    and I grabbed hold of my friend.
    그리고/나는/움켜잡았다/붙잡았다/나의 친구를
    "Don't let it touch me! Oh, don't let
    하지 말라/그것을/만지지마라/나를/오/하지 마라
    it come near me!"
    "Victor! Victor!" shouted my
    friend. "Don't be afraid! I will take
    친구가/하지마라/두려웠다/나는/취할 것이다
    care of you! Look! I am chasing it
    보살 필것이다/너를/보아라/나는/쫒고 있었다/그것을
    Clerval made believe that he drew
    Clerval는/만들었다/믿었다/그리고 나서/그는/그렸다
    a sword. He cut the air with it as if he
    were fighting someone who was
    싸웠다/어떤 사람이/누가
    really there.
  • 17.03.20
    "Victor, do you see? Look! Look! I
    have killed it! It's dead, Victor. I've
    killed it!"
    For a moment I believed him. That
    잠시 동안/나는/믿었다/그를/그
    moment was enough. For then a
    순간/충분했다/그리고 나서
    darkness came over me. A darkness
    without dreams. And I fell to the
    My friend took me to his home and
    나의 친구는/가지고 갔다/나를/그의 집으로/그리고
    I was put to bed. After that, I was
    나는/놓았다/잠자리에/그 다음에/나는
    sick for a very long time. It was
    고약했다/아주 길 었다/시간이/그것은
    months before I was able to speak.
    몇달 전이였다/나는/가능했다/말하는 것을
    But still I would not talk about the
    그러나/아직도/나는/하지 않을 것이다/말하는것을/약
    Monster or even think of him. For
    그 괴물/또는/생각하는 것 조차/그를/
    when I did, I got sick again.
    그랬을 때/내가/내가/아팠다/계속
    But you must want to know what
    happened to my Creature. And so I
    일어났다/나의 생물이/그리고/그래서/나는
    will tell you. Later, if I am still alive,
    말할 것이다/당신이/후에/나는/살아 있다
    you shall learn how I found out.
    너는/배울 것이다/어떻게/나는/찾아냈다
    The Monster did not stay on in my
    그 괴물은/하지 않을 것이다/머무르는 것을
    house. Oh, no. He left soon after me
    우리 집에서/오/그는/곧 떠났다/오후에/나는
    in the dead of night. He was a giant
    죽은 자의/밤에/그는/거인이였다
    and a newborn child at the same
    그리고/신생아어린이들이 있었다
  • 17.03.22
    He knew nothing. Not who he
    그는/아무것도 알지 못했다/그는
    was or where he was going. But the
    또 어디에 있었다/그는/갔다/그러나/그
    moon overhead was like a big bal-
    달은/간접비가 있었다/커다란
    loon. He reachead for it and could not
    풍선이/그는/주술사 였다/그것은/그리고/할 수없었다
    touch it. He folliwed its soft light
    만지는 것을/그는/뒤에 있었다/부드러운/빛이다
    into the woods. And soon he was lost
    in a deep forest.
    The wind blew in the trees. An ice-
    바람이/불었다/나무에/얼음 처럼
    cold rain began to fall. I had thrown
    차가운/비가 내렸어/넘어졌다/나는/던져버렸다
    my jacket at the Monster. And he still
    나의 자켓을/괴물에게/그리고/그는/아직도
    shivered in the cold and damp. After
    a while, he saw the light of a fire. He
    잠시 후에/그는/보았다/불빛과 불을/그는
    did not know what a fire was. But he
    모른 척을했다/무슨 불이 났어/그러나/그는
    could feel its warmth. And the fire
    느낄 수 있었다/그 따뜻함을/그리고/그불이
    was pretty too. It changed colors and
    너무 귀여웠다/그것은/변경됬다/그림물감이/그리고
    danced in the air.
    There was a man sitting beside it.
    As the Thing came nearer, the man
    그 사물로서/왔다/더 가까이에/그 남자가
    heard a noise behind him.
    들었던/소음이/그의 뒤에
  • 17.03.24
    He turned and looked straight into the Thing's
    oozy yellow eyes. Into a face he could
    노란색 눈이/얼굴안으로/그는/할 수 있었다/
    see through to the bones below!
    보는 것을 통하여/뼈에/이하
    My Creature was smiling. But the
    나의 창조물이/웃고 있었다/그러나/
    man did not see a smile. He saw the
    그 남자는/하지 않았다/보고 웃는 것을/그는/보았다/
    jawbones moving. And the giant
    그 턱뼈가/움직이는 것을/그리고/그 거대한
    teeth of long-dead bodies shining in
    the firelight. He tried to scream. But
    불의 불빛이/그는/시도했다/비명을 지르는 것을/그러나
    the scream wouldn't come. In terror
    그 비명을 질렀는데/오지 않았다/공포속에
    he got to his feet-and RAN!
    그는/있었다/그의 발/그리고/달렸다
    The Creature did not know why
    그 생물은/알고 있지 않았다/어떻게
    the man had been so afraid. Perhaps
    그 남자가/일어났는지/너무 두려웠다/혹시
    there was something that HE should
    그들은/뭔가가 있었다/그리고 나서/그는 해야 한다
    be afraid of as well. So he ran away too.
    두려워 했다/뿐만 아니라/그래서/그는/달렸다/엄청 멀리
    It was getting light now. Day was
    그것은/지고 있었다/지금 불빛이/그날은/
    starting. As he walked on, he grew
    출발 했었다/그는/걸었다/그는/자랐다/
    hungrier and hungrier. But he did
    not know what food was. Then he
    몰랐다/무슨음식이였다/그리고 나서/그는
    saw a little animal eating berries
    보았다/작은 동물을/먹기를/열매를
    from a tree.
    나무로 부터