앙성중학교 로고이미지


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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Alice in Woonderland
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  • 17.03.01
    - 삼일절
  • 17.03.06
    - Alice in Woonderland
    Alice was getting tired of sitting with her sister.

    She had tried reading her sister's book, but as it didn't have any pictures or people talking,it was very dull indeed.

    She was just wondering whether to pick some daisies for a daisy-
    chain when a White Rabbit ran past.

    Now,seeing a rabbit isn't so very remarkable.

    Alice wasn't even surprised when the Rabbit cried,

    "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late."

    But when it took a watch out of ilt pocket, she lumped up.

    For whoever saw a rabbit with a pocket-or a watch?

    She chased after it and was lust in time to see the Rabbit pop down a large hole.

    In a flash, Alice followed.