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2016년 2017년 2018년
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Alice in Wonderland
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Alice in Wonderland
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  • 17.12.01
    - Alice in Wonderland
    Then came the Knave of Hearts, carrying the King's crown on a velvet cushion.

    And last of all came the King and Queen of Hearts.

    When the Queen saw Alice, she stopped.

    "Who is this?" she asked the Knave of Hearts.

    He just bowed and smiled in reply.

    "Idiot!" the Queen shrieked.

    She turned to Alice.
  • 17.12.04
    - Alice in Wonderland
    "What is your name, child?"

    "My name is Alice, Your Majesty."

    "And who are they?" the Queen asked.
  • 17.12.25
    - 성탄절