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Tangled/The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • 17.10.02
    - Tangled
    Instantly, it turned brown.
    순식간에, 그것은 갈색으로 변했다.

    The magic was gone.
    마법은 사라졌다.

    With a piercing shriek, Mother began to change.
    찢어지는 비명과 함께, 마더는 변하기 시작했다.

    Her skin wrinkled, her hair turned white, her hands twisted into withered claws.
    그녀의 피부는 주름졌고, 그녀의 머리카락은 하얀색으로 변했다, 말라비틀어진 발톱 모양으로 뒤틀렸다.

    Growing older...and older...she lurched wildly across the room and disintegrated into a puff of gray dust.
    점점 더 늙어가면서 그녀는 방의 맞은 편에서 심하게 비틀거렸고
    회색 먼지 덩어리로 분해됐다.

    Her cloak floated to the ground like nothing more than a wisp of cold air on a stormy day.
    그녀의 망토는 폭풍우 치는 날에 차가운 공기의 머리카락 한 가닥에 지나지
    않는것처럼 땅에 펄럭이며 떨어졌다.

    Flynn was growing pale.
    플린은 창백해지고 있다.

    He smiled weakly as I knelt beside him.
    그는 내가 그의 곁에 무릎을 꿇었을 때, 약하게 웃었다.
  • 17.10.03
    - 개천절
  • 17.10.03~17.10.05
    - 추석연휴
  • 17.10.04
    - 대체공휴일
  • 17.10.04
    - 추석
  • 17.10.04
    - Tangled
    "You were my new dream," he said.
    "너는 나의 새로운 꿈이였어," 그는 말했다.

    "And you were mine," I answered.
    "그리고 너는 내 것 이였어," 나는 대답했다.

    His eyes closed.
    그의 눈이 감겼다.

    He was gone.
    그는 갔다.

    He had sacrificed himself to give me my freedom.
    그는 나에게 자유를 주기 위해 그 자신을 희생했다.

    Without my magical hair, without Mother Gothel, I could go anywhere and
    나의 마법의 머리가 없다면, 마더 고델이 없다면, 나는 어디든지 갈 수 있었

    do anything.
    고 무엇이든 할 수 있었다.

    But it was all meaningless without Flynn.
    그러나 그것은 플린 없인 무의미했다.

    I tried to sing, desperately hoping to find a trace of magic in my hair.
    나는 노래를 부르려고 나의 머리카락 속에서 마법의 흔적을 필사적으로 찾으려고 노력했다.
  • 17.10.06
    - 대체공휴일
  • 17.10.06
    - Tangled
    But I had nothing left to give.
    그러나 나는 포기할 것이 아무것도 남아있지 않았다.

    I bent my head, and a single tear fell on Flynn's face.
    나는 나의 머리를 구부렸고 눈물 한 방울이 플린의 얼굴에 떨어졌다.

    The spot where it fell began to glow.
    눈물 한 방울이 떨어진 곳이 빛나기 시작했다.

    I watched, barely able to breathe.
    나는 주시했다, 겨우 호흡할 수 있었다.

    Hope was growing bright inside me as the magical glow spread over Flynn's face, his hands, his arms.
    희망은 점점 빛나고 있다 나의 안쪽에서 마법의 빛이 플린의 얼굴, 그의 손, 그의 팔에 퍼져나가면서

    The last of my healing magic was in that single tear.
    마지막으로 내가 치유한 마법은 그 눈물 속에 있었다.

    The color returned to his face.
    그의 얼굴에 혈색이 돌아왔다.
  • 17.10.09
    - 한글날
  • 17.10.09
    - Tangled
    The grip of his hand grew firm again.
    다시 그의 손이 쥐는 힘이 단단해졌다.

    At last, his eyes flickered open.
    드디어, 그의 눈이 깜빡이며 열렸다.

    "Rapunzel," he whispered.
    “라푼젤,” 그는 속삭였다.

    We gazed at each other joyfully.
    우리는 기뻐서 서로를 응시했다.

    And then I bent close to him, stroking his cheek with my hand as
    그리고나서 나는 그에게 팔을 가까이 굽혔다,

    ourlips met with a touch as light as the brush of a butterfly's


    It was the most magical, wonderful moment.
    그것은 가장 신비했고, 아름다운 순간이였다.

    It was my first kiss.
    그것은 나의 첫 키스 였다.
  • 17.10.11
    - Tangled
    Soon, Maximus proudly carried us back to the kingdom.
    곧, 맥시무스가 우리를 자랑스럽게 도로 왕국에 데려다 주었다.

    There I was reunited with my real mother and father-the King and Queen.
    나는 거기에서 나의 진짜 엄마와 아빠 즉, 왕과 왕비와 재결합했다.

    As they embraced me, I felt the love I had never known with Mother Gothel.
    그들이 나를 껴안았을 때, 나는 마더 고델 때문에 전혀 알지 못했었던 사랑을 느꼈다.

    The kingdom treated my return as the most wonderful, happy event that
    could have come to pass.
    그 왕국은 나의 귀환을 일어날 수 있는 것중 가장 훌륭하고 행복한 행사로 대했다.

    They had waited years for their lost princess.
    그들은 그들의 잃어버린 공주를 위해 몇 년을 기다렸었다.

    There was a celebration that lasted for days.
    며칠동안 계속되었던 축하행사가 있었다.

    Even the pub thugs and Flynn were welcomed.
    심지어 호프집 폭력배와 플린도 환영받았다.
  • 17.10.13
    - Tangled/The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    I loved every moment of it.
    나는 그것의 매 순간이 좋았다.

    I loved meeting the people of the kingdom and sharing in the festivities.
    나는 왕국의 사람들을 만나는 것과 축제에서 나누는 것을 좋아했다.

    My favorite part, of course, was when my parents and I led the launching of thousands of lanterns by everyone in the kingdom.
    내가 매우 좋아하는 부분은, 당연히, 나의 부모님과 내가 수천개의 등 띄우기를 왕국에 있는 모든 사람에게 주도했을 때였다.

    And after the celebration was over, and a few years had passed, Flynn and I got married.
    그리고 축하 행사가 끝난 후, 몇 년이 지났다, 플린과 나는 결혼했다.

    I had found my true home at last.
    나는 드디어 나의 진짜 집을 찾았다.

    -The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-


    No answer.
    대답이 없다.
  • 17.10.16
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    No answer.
    대답이 없다.

    "Tom Sawyer, you come on out here!"
    "Tom Sawyer, 너 여기서 빨리 나와!"

    Aunt Polly scrunched her eyes and carefully looked over the bedroom.
    polly 고모가 그녀의 눈을 더 작게 만들었고 조심스럽게 침실을 대충 훑어보았다.

    She'd turned the house upside down but there was still no sign of the adventurous boy.
    그녀는 그러나 여전히 모험적인 소년의 흔적은 없었다.

    "You just wait untill I get ahold of you!"
    "너는 내가 너를 잡을 때까지 딱 기다려!
    "Tom's aunt muttered as she poked under the bed with the broom without success.
    Tom의 고모는 그녀가 그 침대를 빗자루로 쿡 찔렀을 때 성과가 없자 중얼거렸다.
  • 17.10.18
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    Seeing an open window, she stuck her head out, scanning the garden for a glimpse of her head-strong nephew, but all she saw there was the stack of wood he hadn't cut and the grass he hadn't mowed.
    열린 창문을 보고, 그녀는 그녀의 고개를 내밀었고,

    Suddenly hearing a small squeak behind her, she turned just in time to seize the small boy by his collar.
    갑자기 그녀의 뒤에서 작은 끼익 소리가 들렸다,

    "Aha!" she cried in triumph.
    그녀는 의기양양하여 "아하!" 라고 외쳤다.

    "I knew I should have checked that closet right off!
    "나는 내가 그 벽장을 즉각 확인했어야 했다는 것을 알았어!

    Now, what's that on your mouth?"
    자, 너의 입에 있는건 뭐야?"

    Tom Sawyer stood before his aunt with his lips smeared a bright red.

    "Nothing, ma'am."
    "아무것도 아니에요, 부인."
  • 17.10.20
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    "Nothing indeed!
    "정말 아무것도 아니에요!

    Why that's the fresh rasp-berry jam I made for Mrs.Harper!
    내가 Harper부인을 위해 만든 신선한 산딸기 잼이 왜그래!

    And what's that?
    그리고 그게 무엇이니?

    Take your hands out of those pockets."
    너의 손을 그 주머니에서 빼."

    As Tom slowly took his hands out, a white powder trail began raining down onto the floor.
    Tom이 그의 손을 느리게 뺐을 때, 흰 가루 자국이 바닥 위로 내리기 시작했다.

    Aunt Polly shoved her hands into the pockets of Tom's overalls.
    Polly고모가 Tom의 작업 바지의 주머니 안으로 그녀의 손을 밀어넣었다.

    "My goodness!" she cried in dis-belief, "you must have a pound of sugar in there!"
    "이런!" 그녀는 믿기지 않아서 소리쳤다, "너는 그곳에 설탕 1파운드를 가지고 있어야만 해!"
  • 17.10.23
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    She put her hands on her hips and looked down at her nephew: "Tom Sawyer, that is absolutely the last straw!"
    그녀는 그녀의 허리에 그녀의 손을 대었고 그녀의 조카를 내려다 보았다:

    The very next day was Saturday, and a fine summer Saturday it was.
    바로 다음 날은 토요일이었고 토요일은 맑은 여름이었다.

    The morning sky was bright and fresh and the whole world brimmed with life.
    아침 하늘은 빛났고 상쾌했고 모든 세상이 생명으로 가득 찼다.

    Tom, however, stood sadly out on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.

    He looked at the fence in front of Aunt Polly's house.
    그는 Polly 고모의 집 앞에 있는 울타리를 보았다.

    It was at least nine feet high and ran nearly half the block long, and Tom had to paint it all as punishment for the mischief he had caused the day before.

    Sighing loudly, he dipped the brush in the bucket and began daub-ing one of the fence boards.
  • 17.10.25
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    After only a few strokes, Tom sat down.

    He began to think of all the fun he'd planned for the day.

    It was such a fine day for fishing, for fighting, for all kinds of adventuring, but Tom knew that painting the fence would take up all afternoon.

    Worse, other boys would come by soon and see him doing his chores while they had the whole day free for their adventures.

    Tom could barely stand the thought of it.

    Slowly, he got up and started back to work, dipping the brush into the bucket of whitewash and making long strokes over the boards of the fence.

    Tom hadn’t been at work five minutes when he heard a sound he feared.
  • 17.10.27
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    It was whistling, and not just any whistling; it was the whistling of a boy set out on some great quest.

    Tom turned his head halfway and saw Ben Rogers bounding down the street with a hop-skip-and-a-jump, a shiny green apple in his hand.

    Tom turned back to his painting, but just then he had an idea.

    He stood up straight and stared at the fence in front of him with deep concentration.

    Curious at what Tom was doing, Ben Rogers now stopped right behind the silent boy.

    Tom could still hear him whistling.

    There was a pause, and then the sound of a big juicy crunch as Ben took a bite out of his apple.
  • 17.10.30
    - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    Pretending that he hadn’t seen Ben at all, Tom started painting again.

    Ben Rogers started whistling again, this time even louder, but Tom kept on painting.

    “Got to work, hey?” Ben finally snickered.

    Tom didn’t turn around to answer.

    Instead, he put his brush down and crossed his arms.

    He then rubbed his chin with one hand and stared at the fence as if he were working out some great mystery.

    “I say.”