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2016년 2017년 2018년
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The Adventures of Robin Hood
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  • 17.03.01
    - 삼일절
  • 17.03.03
    - The Adventures of Robin Hood
    Many years ago in England, when good king Henry II sat on the throne,
    여러 해 전에 영국에,헨리왕이 왕좌 위에 앉았다.

    a famous outlaw lived in sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham.
    또 노팅엄 도시의 셔우드 숲 가까운 곳에 유명한 무법자가 살고있다.

    His name was Robin Hood.
    그의 이름은 로빈후드이다.

    No man ever lived who could shoot an arrow like the strong young

    six-footer with the blazing blue eyes.
    키가 6피트이고 강렬한 파란 눈을 가지고 있다.

    No friends ever lived like the merry fellows who roamed the forest

    with Robin, playing games of archery and hunting deer.

    The country people loved to tell the story of how Robin becone

    an outlaw. It happened like this.When Robin was just eighteen, the

    Sheriff of Nottingham offered a prize for the best archer in the land