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To. Dasiy
작성자 장윤아 등록일 15.09.04 조회수 28
Hello Dasiy? 
I'm yun a , Now I 'm stay in the hostel and used the computer.
This computer is very good. But the keyboard is miss. There is no Korean, only English
I can't use zzzzz and bbbb . z and b transfer to Korean. Then You can understand z and b what meanig. Are they okay the class today? What will you do at the sport class? Just saying with friends ? Please move it . You have to grow zzzzzzzzzz. When you doing the sport class I'll go to shopping. You will go out at 12 ? or 11 o' colck. And I 'll buy the gift all day. So I'm very happy now. The country is very hot and wet . Ah! Do you know that? I met this country model yesterday. She gave a present for me . She bought the lip stick for me. I was very surprised bbb
This time is ten to ten . Hum.. Korea time is ten to eleven. Hum I want to tell a lot of things but I can't remember . Let tell about yesterday. Yesterday when I came back the hostel I could heard the Korean songs. Around the house they make a singing room . The mellody is K-pop however 
I couldn't understand what he saying. I miss the Korean food. This the country food have much small .  See you at the evening. I'll leave the kakao talk. Bye sun-yeong? Dasiy.
                                                                                                         From.  Yun a 
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