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it's like love
작성자 김도일 등록일 15.02.01 조회수 34
Life has drawn you here
feel the warmth pulling you near
breathe it in and let it fill your heart
its like love
cleanse your soul
feel it in your veins
breathe it in your lungs will stain
its like love
for the first time
it'll all makes sense
you know, yeah, you know
seen it all before
Till you found something more
breathe it in and let it fill your heart
its like love
cleanse your soul
feel it in you veins
breathe it in your lungs will stain
its like love
for the first time
it'll all makes sense
you know, yeah, you know
its like love
cleanse your soul
feel it in you veins
breathe it in your lungs will stain
its like love
for the first time
it'll all makes sense
you know, you know 
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