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On being a champion
작성자 조예윤 등록일 17.11.30 조회수 13

On Being a Champion


Mattie J.T. Stepanek


A champion is a winner,

A hero ...

Someone who never gives up

Even when the going gets rough.

A champion is a member of

A winning team ...

Someone who overcomes challenges

Even when it requires creative solutions

A champion is an optimist,

A hopeful spirit ...

Someone who plays the game,

Even when the game is called life ...

Especially when the game is called life.

There can be a champion in each of us,

If we live as a winner,

If we live as a member of the team,

If we live with a hopeful spirit,

For life.

이시는 정말 대단한시인거 같다.어린나이에 불구 하고 이런 시를 쓴건 정말 대단하고 천재적인거 같다.또한 매티라는 분이 낸 시중 heart song이 있는데 이책은 무려 뉴욕베스트에도 올른 정말 유명한 시라고 한다.그 시도 한번읽어보면 좋을거 같다

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