댓글 3개
2019.10.29 00:48
[1413박용겸] I agree with your oponion strongly! I really like the fact that you thought about cohabitation with animals!
2019.10.30 16:09
(1820이희주)I could feel that your opinion was logical and reasonable. However, I have a different opinion from you. To refute your basis that zoos are educationally helpful to children, children learn 'knowledge' as they grow older, but they learn 'personality' together. Zoos can be helpful in developing knowledge, but they can also be done by photography, documentaries, or VR devices. But can children learn good personality by looking at animals that are trapped and behaving strangely or suffering from mental illness? Therefore, I think the zoo system has a particularly educational bad effect on children.
2019.10.30 21:45
이희주 :
I understand the point of your statement, but your idea does not reflect reality! Do people in these days get educated by VR devices and photography? Obviously not. And do we see animals suffering in zoos? Rather, we see them making a coexsisting environment with us! Zoos also provide humans a chance to communicate with animals, which is interactive rather than unidirectional education.(done by photography, documentaries, or VR devices, etc)