댓글 6개
2019.10.03 20:46
When I read your writing, I thought I and your opinion were completely the same. But it wasn't. You had a more definite idea than I did. Your example of polar bears and puma was enough for me to be more sure of my opinion. Every moment I read your writing I found myself lacking. If I have a chance, I would like to share my opinion with you and fix in my deficiencies.
2019.10.03 23:25
김연구 :
[1111 박종연] First of all, thank you for reading my short post. It was very impressive that you read my writing and reflect on yourself. If humans give up their greed and take the lead in protecting the lives of animals, they will be able to create a better society. Let us both work so that animals can live happy lives in safe places.
2019.10.04 00:15
[1102 곽강훈] Like you said, I have good memories of seeing various animals when I went to the zoo when I was young. When I was young, I thought zoos were really good. However, as I grew up and had various perspectives, I became critical of the zoo. Reading your article in this state makes me very sympathetic to your opinion. Let's find and do what we can for the animals together.
2019.10.04 20:31
곽강훈 :
[1111 박종연]I feel very good that my argument has had a good effect on you. Your opinion suggests that you, like me, have a little interest in animal welfare. Your efforts will be added to create a good environment for animals.
2019.10.30 17:39
(1820이희주)I completely agree with your idea. I also think zoos are not very helpful in preserving endangered species. Your basis for pointing out the vicious circle in the food chain structure was very impressive. In addition, there are only a few zoos that makes a good environment to protect endangered species, and most animals have mental illness or abnormal behavior. From this point of view, your basis for pointing out the vicious circle in the structure of the food chain was very impressive.
2019.10.31 23:56
[1612 오윤서] I'm very impressed with your writing. I totally agree with your position. In particular, I agree with the argument that zoos play a role in protecting animals and preserve animal species. Also, I think it's really good that you have recognized the shortcomings of the zoo, presented the advantages and spread your logic.