댓글 3개
2019.06.13 00:03
1213 송영인
I am deeply impressed with your essay with scientific basis, but I can't agree with your opinion. Though it is true that some gamers have mental problems, there are many gamers who don't have such symptoms. Then, we should treat that few people who have the problems as patients and try to cure them, not classify whole game as a disease.
2019.06.14 21:08
1821 장혜원) Your arguement supports were very solid. I argree with you that game addiction causes mental disorders. Not only control disorders, but the research from the university of Iowa indicated that game addiction also causes and worsens psychological impairments, such as ADHD or depression. Even more, it causes physical problems, too. Thus, not being able to distinguish virtual space from reality could be dangerous to the people around the addicted person. These are the reasons why I support your claim.
2019.06.22 14:07
1810 양어진 I agree with you.
I also agree that game addiction makes it impossible to distinguise between reality and virtual too.
And I agree that game addiction is accompanied by a 'control disorder', so we should classify it as a disease and treat it correctly, as shown in your essay. I didn't know 'control disorder' until now, but I was surprised to find that impulses or temptations, such as control disorders, can make me nervous or excited, and act on those stimuli.If it leads to anger control disorder and impulse control disorder, and in extreme cases depression and momentary impulses lead to crime, I think faster treatment and alternatives are needed.