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현경 대본 |
이름 | 안소영 | 등록일 | 17.11.29 | 조회수 | 25 |
현경:Hello. From now on, about 앙순 and 앙순‘s baby let me tell you a story.
Friday, May 23
The first meeting 현경:I found a bird and a few eggs in a small room outside the living room, I have never seen that kind of bird before. I posted its picture on a website.
Saturday, May 24
Angsun, the mandarin duck 상혁:Wow! The bird is a mandarin duck. I set up a camera in the small room. I named the bird Angsun. Angsun pulled out her own feathers to cover her eggs. She sat on her eggs for almost 22 hours a day
Friday, june 20
Ready for the First Flight 상현: I‘m waiting for the babies to hatch. I heard that mandarine ducks jump from the nest for their first flight. My house is on the 9 floor and I’m worried about them. So my mother and I put some clothes in the yard for them. The eggs will hatch a few days later. I‘m looking forward to their first flight.
Sunday, June 22
The First Flight Seven eggs hatched at first. A few minutes later, there was a sound from an eggs that didn‘t hatch. Angsun made a sound, too. I thought they were talking to each other. Finally, the last egg hatched. Angsun prepared for her babies’ first flight. She dried their wet feathers and flew out of the room. She made strange sounds and flew down to the ground. She waited there. Then the first baby bird climbed up the hole in the wall of the small room. It looked down and jumped. Suprisingly, it didn‘t get hurt. Angsun flew to a tree and then, the first baby stood up and walked fast to meet her! Like the first baby bird, the others jumped! All of them followed Angsun. It didn’t take long. |
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