6학년 4반

안녕하세요. 여러분! 항상 건강하고 밝은 우리반 학생들이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
  • 선생님 : 신승희
  • 학생수 : 남 10명 / 여 16명

졸업문집 영어편지 (김지우)

이름 김지우 등록일 18.08.08 조회수 53
Dear my dear friend, Yurim,
Hi my dear friend Yurim? I am Jiwoo, one of your friends! When I heard that you were going to transfer to school, I cried so much. I think I felt more sad just because there were only a few left. By the way, when 3 days were postponed suddenly, I was so happy when I said I would go on August 9. I go to Seoul, but I can see you for 3 more days, right? Unfortunately, I couldn't play on August 8th, but I was really happy. Dear my dear friend, Yurim, you can make friends quickly and get along with them even when you go to school. I will never forget you. No, I won't forget. Tell me if you have a bully! I'll run and scold you right away! I'll be happy when I transfer. Yeon-seo, So-yun, me, Ga-yeon, Young-eun... Don't forget five people like this! Then, are you sure to invite me to Seoul next time? Let's eat something delicious then! When you go to Seoul, you have to tell me what your life was like! I wonder how much you will change in Seoul! I remember you as a good friend even though you are playful in my memory. I won't forget you for a moment. Are you still texting us when you go to Seoul? We are going to visit Seoul a lot so we can expect it!! Let's see each other in the future!! You have to be fine! Don't get hurt! I love you so much Yurim!! You will happy in Seoul^ㅡ^
                                                                                                         -Your friend Jiwoo loves you very much
이전글 졸업문집 글쓰기(편지) -연영은
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