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우리가 함께 어울려 생활하다 보면 때론 속상한 일도, 불만스러운 일이 생길 수 있습니다. 그럴 때, 딱 한번만 너와 나의 특별함, 소중함을 생각해 본다면 어떨까요?
여러분 모두가 가정에서 사랑받는 사람입니다.
물론, 선생님도 사랑받는 사람이랍니다. 우리는 모두 소중한 존재이므로 사랑받고 존중받기에 마땅하답니다.
선생님과 여러분이 함께 1년 동안 서로 존중하고 배려하는 생활을 할 수 있도록 노력해 봅시다.
이름 | 조영서 | 등록일 | 16.11.17 | 조회수 | 34 |
My favorite food CHO YOUNG SEO My favorite food is hamburger. because hamburger is delicious. Hamburger is fast food, I like all fast food. I think hamburger and sandwich is same. I like sandwich too. I like a ham, tomatos, breads and a lettuce. I know sandwich's history. There were sandwichcomte he like to play card game. He was hungry he made a sandwich, and sandwich can be famous. sandwichcomte is cool! My favorite food has many common point, first they have lettuce second there are two breads, third it's very delicious! I want to make some sandwich. we can make it very easily. Everyone has different favorite food but, I think sandwich and hamburger is great! |
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