5학년 2반

안녕하세요. 여러분! 항상 건강하고 밝은 우리반 학생들이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
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영어 통문장(4월)

이름 이정은 등록일 18.05.03 조회수 50

44일 수요일

Where is the Museum?

It’s next to the library.

It’s behind the post office.

It’s between the bank and school.

It’s in front of the park.

411일 수요일

Take small bites.

Keep your food in your mouth.

It’s okay to leave the table.

Ask before you leave.

Say “excuse me” when you get up.

418일 수요일

May I go to the bathroom?

Of course.

No, you may not.

You may sit here.

You may take a picture.

425일 수요일

She clears the table.

She takes the dishes.

She puts them in the sink.

Always say “please” to your server.

Say “Thank you” too!

이전글 5. 매체로 의사소통해요 토론 이야기 (18)
다음글 영어 통문장 (3월)