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10/21 About advice
작성자 김영서 등록일 16.10.21 조회수 53

T.G.I.F !!!!!

Today I feel happy. Because tomarrow is weekend.

Anyway I talked about advice.

The first question was ' Some one feel sad. what should I do?'

So I said 'I'll ask why that man sad, And I'll tell fun story.'

Next quesion was 'My friend won 100000 dollars and he doesn't know how to spend it. What should you do?'

I answered 'Give me that money, then I will use it very good way.'

Teacher laughed.

The third question was 'Your mother found wallet which had 2000 dollars  in it. How should you said?'

Then I said 'Mom, can I see it? And then I get that money and I'll run.'

Teacher laughed again.

 Today's class was nice.


이전글 10/21
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